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Coir Erosion Control Mats

Coconut Coir Matting for Stabilization

Coir erosion control mats are avialable at bulk pricing and ship to you. Coir mats are robust and biodegradable matting designed to provide stabilization and reinforcement on the banks of rivers, hills, trenches, streams, lakes, and ponds. Often constructed from a woven coir twine netting, these mats can be strong enough to stabilize slopes up to 1:1 and flows up to 17 fps. Best of all, each coir erosion control mat uses completely biodegradable fibers that will blend into the environment. Please click on the links below for more information or give our team a call at 1-863-261-8388.

Our friendly staff is here to help you get the exact product you need!.

or Contact us for additional information.

Coir Mat 40
(400 g/m²)
Coir Mat 70
(700 g/m²)

erosion control mats

erosion control mats

erosion control matting

Coir Erosion Control Mats

Double Net Coir Blanket

coir blankets
coir blanket

Coconut Coir Matting Accessories

Biodegradable StakesBiodegradable Stakes, staples, and pegs work to fasten erosion mats to the ground. Being made from a plant-based plastic, each product is completely eco-friendly and will biodegrade over time. This eliminates any removal costs, while still offering a product that is as strong and reliable as wood or steel.

Coconut Coir Matting Downloads and PDFs

If you have questions about coir mats, give us a call at 1-863-261-8388 or request a price quote.

Choosing the Right Coir Matting Option

Choosing the right coir erosion control mat for your location will depend on several different factors including: slope steepness (1:1, 2:1, 3:1), water flow (fps) and desired longevity (temporary, long term, permanent). For our Standard Coir Matting (open weave), models are designed with different strengths to accommodate higher flows or slopes.

Coconut Mat Model Open Area Weight Suggested
Coir Mat 40 65% 400 g/m² < 3:1 8 fps
Coir Mat 70 50% 700 g/m² 2:1 or 1:1 12 fps
Coir Mat 90 39% 900 g/m² > 1:1 16 fps

Additional Product Information:

Additional Coir Matting

In addition to the open weave models, coir matting is also available in mesh form with an exterior polypropylene netting. While not as strong as the coir twine material, these mats can be a more economical stabilization option.

  • Coir Fibers/PP Netting
  • Coir Fibers/Natural Netting
  • Coir/Straw Blends (30/70)

Erosion Control Matting Applications and Uses

coir erosion control matCoir erosion control mats are one of the strongest available options for stabilizing, strengthening, and controlling sediment in a location. Their ability to support growth in both steep and high flow areas makes them a great choice for a range of different applications.

  • Bank Restoration
  • Vegetative Regrowth
  • Hillside Erosion Control
  • Ditch/Trench Erosion Control

Have a large coir job on the schedule? See our Bulk Coir Options.

Also check our Excelsior Erosion Control Mats as an additional option.

Need more information on our biodegradable erosion control solutions? See our Erosion Control Line Card.

Not sure what the right coir mat is for your location? Give us a call at 1-863-261-8388, we are always happy to work with customers to find the right erosion control matting for your location.

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